Rose: Essential For tender skincare

The moment we think of rose, a sense of tranquility arises. Rose reminds us of pure joy and love and is the symbol of royal beauty .This flower carries a lot of medicinal benefits as well. Rose flower is that elegant desert flower on which multiple poems and stories have been told. The fragrance makes you feel fresh and divine. But did you know that it is like a boon for the skin and overall health?

Rose imparts its health benefits through all its forms like rose petals, rose water, rose oil etc. Rose flowers have lovely fragrance, they are rejuvenative and nourishing. When eaten they improve digestion and reduce bile. 

Rose flower can be used in various ways to avail its benefits

Rose Water for skin:

Rose water is mildly fragrant and contains around 15-20% rose oil and is an anti-oxidant. Rose water is popularly used   for soothing and cooling effect on skin

  • Rose water for face can be used as a toner and face cleanser. Rose water toner tightens skin pore and reduces skin damage
  • Rose water gently replenishes lost moisture and hydrates the skin
  • Rose water helps to reduce blemishes and improves skin tone

DIY packs with Rose water for skin

Mix rose water with chickpea powder and apply over face and neck. This pack corrects micro damage of the skin and improves skin texture

Rose Oil benefits for skin:

Rose oil is extremely beneficial for skin due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-infective properties

  1. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress. 
  2. High in terpenes and flavonoids it heals acne scars and is useful for acne and pimple break outs. 
  3. It helps even skin tone and also enhance the texture of the skin
  4. It also has anti aging effects
  5. It enhances skin collagen 
  6. Highly relaxing, Rose oil can be used in bath to reduce body stiffness and pain. 
  7. Rose oil application is also useful to reduce menstrual pain   

Just apply rose essential oil mixed with almond oil over the skin and keep overnight. It helps to brighten the skin giving it a rosy glow

DIY tricks with Rose oil

Rose petals for skin:

For the longest time people have used rose petals to nourish the skin and also brighten it as it has natural Vitamin C

  • Rose petals exfoliate and cleanse all skin types gently
  • It is cooling and soothing to the body. 
  • Rose petals are rejuvenating to the skin and help reduce irritation and redness.

DIY packs With rose petals

Fresh or dried both can be used for skin care routine. Ground Fresh rose petals mixed with honey make an excellent scrub to maintain skin glow. So, essentially rose is a must have in your skin care routine as it not only strengthens the skin but also strengthens the body. Be rosy this season by including rose water for skin care

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