Keep Skin Infections At Bay This Summer Naturally!

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Keep Skin Infections At Bay This Summer Naturally!

Summer time is definitely the best to have fun, isn’t it?
Be it outdoor beach vacay, refreshing pool dips or indoor ice-cream parties with family and friends, we all have our cool plans to beat the heat. But, the sizzling heat waves and humidity in air also bring along excessive sweating, body odor, irritating, sticky and pricky feeling. Sweat attracts more dirt, dust, pollutants and microbes giving rise to multiple skin problems like prickly heat, itchy skin rashes, sunburns, acne break-outs and fungal infections.
Bathing is one of the best ways to get rid of all the accumulated grime, sweat, body odor and fatigue and to cool yourself. It not only gives a fresh start to your day but also helps you reinvigorate after a long, tiring day.
Your summer bathing experience can be enhanced using natural ways to keep fresh & also prevent skin ailments. Nature has gifted us with amazing herbs for all skin-related issues.
Let’s dive into some natural herbal ingredients that can be incorporated into our everyday bathing ritual to stay fresh, cool and infection-free this summer!

1. Aloe vera:

Aloe is an excellent cleansing and detoxifying agent. It has ability to remove dead skin cells and toxins from the pores. It is known to be an amazing moisturizing agent that locks in your body’s moisture keeping it soft and supple. It also has antimicrobial properties against many common bacteria and fungi. Aloe vera gel loaded with vitamins that nourishes, heals and protects your skin from sun damage.
Use Aloe-based Soap, followed by creams for best summer care.

2. Neem:

Neem is a known solution for all skin problems. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which is known to inhibit bacterial growth & prevent/ treat prickly heat, acne, itching, eczema, ring worm infection concerns. Neem also contains Vitamin-C and Vitamin-E which help in preventing blackheads, pigmentation, dullness and ageing. Don’t forget to use Neem leaves/ paste in daily bath to get away with skin infections.

3. Orange:

Orange peel contains Vitamin C that helps to fight acne and heal wounds. It moisturizes and brightens your skin giving it a natural glow that you’ve always wanted. It also acts as a good astringent and evens your skin tone. It works well on dark spots, pigmentation, dullness and smoothens your skin texture.
Use bathing gels & bath oils with Orange extracts for refreshing & glowing skin.

4. Geranium Oil:

Geranium oil is a sweet-smelling essential oil commonly used in aromatherapy. Due to its antiseptic and wound healing properties, it helps to fight acne, eczema and skin infections. It acts as a natural cleanser by removing dead skin cells and improving complexion. It can also help to uplift your mood, calm your mind and reduce fatigue. Include Geranium Oil in bath to get rid of infections and complexion issues & uplift the mood naturally.
Use Geranium Oil in your bath to get away with complexion issues & uplift mood, naturally.

5.Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is a boon to keep skin infections such as acne, fungal infections scabies, athlete’s foot and ringworm at bay. It’s well known anti-fungal properties treats issues like Acne for skin & Dandruff for hair. Also it is an excellent antiseptic for cuts, burns and boils. It helps to hydrate your skin without drying.
Use Tea-tree based soap/ bath oils in daily regime to keep skin healthy & infection free.

All these magical ingredients have been blended together into moha: Herbal Shower Gel that will cleanse your body from all environmental toxins, heal infections & protect you from all the negatives of heat and humidity. It also nourishes skin gently to give you the perfect refreshing summer bath, everyday!
Go, ditch that itch and stay fresh this summer!

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