Easy Tips to Protect Your Skin & Hair this Holi!

The beginning of spring is a joyous occasion and what better way to celebrate it than Holi, the festival of colors? Unfortunately, Holi colours may harm your skin and hair. So, if you are planning to play Holi with powdered colors and colored water outdoors, make sure that your hair and skin are well protected from the damage before you head out to play. How do you do that?

Here are the best and simple tips to help you protect your skin and hair from damage this Holi.

Holi skin care tips

We all love this vibrant festival of colors, but they may harm the skin as most colors available in the market have synthetic elements.

Oiling also helps easy removal of colors. Using a good herbal moisturizer also works well.

But worry not!! Oil is your skin savior. Apply a generous amount of oil to your skin. Coconut oil, sesame oil or almond oil, all are beneficial. They form a protective barrier and prevent the absorption of toxic elements present in holi color.

Use sunscreen as well since we might end up being in the sun for hours which can cause tanning. 

Wear clothes that cover your hands and legs so that colors do not directly touch your skin.

How to remove colors post holi?

Use homemade scrubs or ubatan to clean up colors. Use besan with honey and curd and to gently clean and remove colors from the skin. Even scrub made of oats; flaxseed powder and water help remove the colors and make the skin soft and supple.

Apply aloe gel to soothe your skin 

Tips for eyes:

Holi colors can hurt your eyes. Wear protective eye wear to prevent colors entering your eyes. Frequently wash your eyes with water to keep eyes clean. 

How to take care of eyes post holi?

Keep slices of cucumber to cool your eyes.

Tips for hair care:

Oil your hair and scalp few hours before playing with coconut oil or almond oil as it will not just nourish but also protect your scalp from harmful effects of toxic colors . Also, oil your hair strands from root to tip as it will protect your hair from water, sun exposure and dryness caused by colors. Don’t forget to tie your hair up into a bun or a simple braid.

How to clean hair post holi?

Use a gentle shampoo to rinse out all colors. Condition with an herbal conditioner to keep hair soft and smooth. 

Applying a pack of buttermilk, neem and tulsi powder along with aloe gel also helps to condition hair. Let it rest for 30 minutes and wash it off with tap water. Enjoy healthy shiny hair post holi.

Nair care during holi: 

Apply nail paint to prevent colorful nails. Pampering and indulging in the goodness of herbal nail cream will also help maintain healthy hair post holi.

Oral care during holi: 

As we enjoy the colors, chances are we might incidentally have colors in our mouth. Rinse it off with clean water immediately. Applying lip balm protects the lips and keeps them soft.

Use natural colours

Nature provides us with a plethora of fresh colours through flowers, fruits, and veggies that can be used this Holi. You can easily prepare colored water or Holi colours with shades of pink and red from rose petals, hibiscus flowers, strawberries, tomatoes and beetroot; orange hues from oranges and carrots, yellow from turmeric; green from spinach; purple from purple cabbage or blueberries.
By following these easy tips to protect your skin & hair with moha:, pledge to play a herbal and natural Holi this year! moha: wishes you a very happy and safe Holi!

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