Deep Cleanse With Moha Face Wash

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The first and foremost rule for great skin is a good cleanse. Using the right face wash to cleanse out all the dirt is essential to avoid excess oil and acne from breaking out. For people with oily skin, not using the right face wash can be disastrous as it leads to blockage of the pores, blackheads and severe acne. However, on using the commercially available face washes for their skin type, they find their skin tight and stretchy.

How often have you used a deep cleansing face wash and later found your skin to be almost flaking and scaly like a fish?

On the other hand, people with dry skin generally pick up a gentler face wash, but miss the feeling of a good cleanse. Seems like you have to choose between a good cleanse or a moisturising wash. And with the varied temperatures and seasons affecting the skin differently, keeping up with the skin can become quite a task. In addition, the harsh chemical compositions of these face washes can overtime worsen your skin and speed up the process of wrinkles and skin damage.

What typically happens with a harsh chemical-rich face wash is that it can overtime distort the skin barrier. When this happens, it can lead to blemishes, breakouts, blackheads, acne and several skin problems. After a while, it can also speed up the aging process leaving your skin looking rough and haggard.

Cleansing your skin naturally

Resolving this dilemma and combining both factors together, Charak has introduced Moha – herbal face wash that offers a deep cleanse while also keeping your skin moisturised and well hydrated. Its natural ingredients also help prevent acne and breakouts. In addition, this nourishing face wash protects the skin barrier while promoting growth of healthy skin cells.

Five proven herbal ingredients make this face wash effective. There’s no scarcity of herbal products in the market, but few can claim to have as many as five proven herbal ingredients together. This face wash brings together the effect of:

Rose water: A natural toner and astringent rose water works miracles for people with problems of open pores. It naturally tightens pores and protects the skin from losing its natural oils or getting clogged by pollution. Further, it can be used by all skin types and is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Neem: Among the much loved herbs since ancestral times, neem is a powerful antiseptic and has strong antimicrobial properties. This protects against acne and breakouts while also clearing the toxins that lead to them. In addition, neem can help fade pimple scars and keep your skin looking fresh and young.

Yastimadhu: Great for people with uneven skin tone or slight blemishes, this herb works wonders for the complexion. It stimulates healthy cell function in the skin and gives a clearer complexion. This herb has also been widely accepted for its skin lightening and anti-oxidant properties.

Charak combines all these herbs and more to leave your skin clean, moisturised and well protected. Further, as it is completely natural and free form harmful chemicals, it can be used by everyone without any harmful effects.

So leave the confusing choices of either a deep cleanse or moisturising face wash behind and opt for Charak’s natural formula that does both. Keep your skin soft and supple throughout the year and especially in the coming dry winter months.

Deep Cleanse With Moha Face Wash

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