Amla–A Complete Hair tonic

In today’s scenario, it is difficult for us to visit salons and spas for any hair treatment. At home, we are so busy in day to day activity like work from home and household work that we don’t get time for hair care. If you are looking for a natural solution for complete hair care, think of Amla or indian gooseberry.

Amla, an excellent hair tonic, has played a key role for the long, thick, and beautiful hair of Indian women. So now let us see how Amla works for our hair. The best part is that amla can be had as a supplement as well as applied to the hair and scalp for better hair health.

  1. PromotesHair Growth

The vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients present in the amla strengthen hair follicles and stimulates healthy growth. Antioxidants in Amla acts on free radicals that causes hair fall.

Antioxidants like Vitamin C in Amlahelp to reduce oxidative stress which causes hair loss, damage, and premature greyingof your hair. That is why Ayurved suggests Amla in regular food.

  1. Works on Premature greying of hair

Amla helps to enhance your hair’s natural color and renews pigmentation to make them darker. The surplus of vitamin C in Amla helps to prevent premature greying.

According to Ayurveda, Amla is excellent natural coolant pacifying pitta which causes premature greying of your hair. Hence it is used in natural hair dyes and oils.

  1. Acts on Dandruff and Scalp problems

Amla has antifungal and anti-microbial properties. Thus, it acts on dandruff and other fungal infections.The cooling effect of Amla helps to relieve redness, irritation and itching in scalp.

Amla improves blood circulation around your scalp. Vitamin C and other antioxidants in Amla helps for regeneration of skin cells. This promotes a healthy scalp, thereby minimizes dandruff.

  1.  Your natural Hair conditioner

When used as a hair rinse, Amla nourishes, conditions and adds amazing shine and texture to your hair.  It also contains calcium, which promotes healthier hair.

Amla contains essential fatty acids, acts on hair follicles, giving your hair strength, thickness and lustre. Tannins in Amla helps to protect your hair from heat damage.

Thus Amla alsoknown in Ayurveda as Vayasthathat meansanti-agingis very potent and effective hair tonic.Amla is the chief ingredient in moha: Herbal shampoo of Charak pharma. To get most benefit out of it you can use it along with moha: 5 in 1 hair oil &moha: hair serum. These three together form Hair essential kit of Charak pharma.

So you must use Amla to have beautiful and healthy hair. Be healthy and stay safe.

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