Aloe-vera: A Herbal Summer-shield for your skin! – moha

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Aloe-Vera: A Herbal Summer-Shield For Your Skin!

According to weather forecast reports, 2019 is predicted to become the hottest year ever with severe heat waves blowing this summer. Summer time is always fun but, with the rising temperatures, also come tanned skin, sunburns, sweaty clothes, allergies, skin infections, dehydration and fatigue!

Just 15 minutes of sun-exposure can cause permanent damage to your skin. Summer heat also draws up more moisture from your skin, leaving it dehydrated.

Herbs goes a long way in protecting and healing your skin from multiple skin problems. Aloe-vera is a great solution for skin and hair concerns due to its miraculous benefits. Gel obtained from the long succulent leaves of Aloe vera can work as a magic ingredient as your skin cleanser, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen as well as a healer! Here’s a quick list of benefits of aloe vera for skin:

Natural Cleanser: Aloe-vera has excellent cleansing and antiseptic properties.

Natural Toner: It is a great toner & help in boosting collagen synthesis thus keeping your skin soft and supple.

Natural Moisturizer: Aloe vera gel hydrates your skin deeply giving it a natural glow.

Natural Sunscreen: Aloe vera gel protects your skin from damage caused by harmful UV radiation.

Natural Anti-ageing agent: The leaves are rich in Vitamins A, C, E and B12. These work as anti-oxidants i.e. they protect your skin from oxidative damage and help delay wrinkles, dark spots and other signs of ageing.

Natural Healer: The salicylic acid present in its leaves reduce inflammation. The aloe leaves also help to relieve acne and skin infections due to their anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.


How to use?

Healing facemask: Mix 2 table spoon of Aloe gel with 1 table spoon of fuller’s earth, 1 tsp of honey and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture on your face and allow it to sit for half an hour to let its wonderful qualities seep into your skin. Wash your face with cold water or use a damp wipe as needed.

Radiance facemask: Scoop out 1 table spoon of aloe vera gel and mix it with 2 table spoon masoor dal paste, 1 tsp of rose water and 1 tsp of milk. Mix well and apply the mixture on your clean face.

Moisturizing Sun-protective mix: Add 2 table spoon of aloe gel to 2 drops of wheat germ oil, 2 drops of rice bran oil and 1 drop of sesame oil. Massage the mixture evenly on face, neck and exposed parts of body.

The goodness of Aloe vera comes in best forms in moha: product range.

Aloe, Cucumber & Rose has been mixed proportionately in moha: Herbal Face Wash to cleanse deep-seated oil & dirt without drying the skin. Also Summer range contains some great on-the-go products like moha: Soap, moha: Rose Toner and moha: Herbal Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50 are powered  with benefits of Rice Bran oil, Wheat Germ oil, Sesame oil, Sunflower oil to protect and heal your skin from sun damage. Get summer-ready, stay fresh and protected this season with this perfect blend of natural ingredients!

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