5 Diet Tips for Healthy Hair

A lot of cosmetic products are available these days to restore the shine and volume in your hair. But it is also important to nourish hair from within. Hair gets nutrition from food we eat and hence a balanced, healthy diet is a must to maintain adequate source of nutrients for health of hair and scalp.

Here are 5 Diet Tips for Healthy Hair.

1. Have easy to Digest Food

 Ayurveda believes better digestion can nourish hair and help maintain their glow and shine. Avoid the habit of overeating and prefer having easy to digest food. Fresh fruits, salads, vegetables and healthy fats are something you must opt, for having strong hair.

2. Add nuts in your diet

Nuts are tasty, convenient and contain a variety of nutrients that help to promote hair growth. Nuts are rich in protein and zinc which make hair strong. Have walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts in your diet. These are packed with antioxidants and rich in Vitamin E which maintain scalp heath and help you have strong hair.

3. Hydrate yourself

The water content in our hair is important for hair growth. Drinking healthy fluids help to energize the hair from root to tip. It also helps to maintain scalp health by maintaining optimum moisture and prevents dryness, itching and dandruff. Fresh fruit juices, soups, buttermilk should be a part of your regular diet. Also drink adequate amount of water daily.

4. Say yes to healthy fats

Healthy fats should be added in diet for having strong hair. Diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids is good for hair growth and is also known to reduce hair fall. They also improve the circulation of scalp, nourish hair follicle and improve the density of hair. Almond milk, cow ghee, avocado, salmon etc are some sources of healthy fats which you can have for shiny hair.

5. Look out for food rich in iron.

Iron is an important component of our diet which carries oxygen to the hair roots. It also improves circulation of scalp. Lack of iron can weaken the hair roots and make the hair brittle and induce hair fall. Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, dates, lentils, spinach are some dietary sources rich in iron. Make sure you have iron rich diet for healthy strong hair.

Follow these simple 5 Diet Tips For Healthy Hair for healthy, strong and shiny hair!

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