Ayurveda ritual of bathing for personal hygiene

Bathing daily has been one of the most important rituals of personal hygiene. Personal hygiene ensures good health. It is also considered important for purification of both the body and the mind. Here, we share some interesting info on the Ayurveda ritual of bathing.

The skin has millions of pores through which sweat seeps out and keeps cleansing the body. Exposure to dust, dirt might clog these pores hindering the sweating mechanism locking the toxins in the body. Bathing helps to open these pores and cleanse the skin, helping skin breathe and stay healthy.

The science of Ayurveda primarily focuses on maintaining good health and preventing diseases. This can be achieved by practicing a daily regimen also termed as ‘Dinacharya’ in Ayurveda which is in tune with the nature. Mindful bathing is an interesting part of this regimen. Before bathing application of medicated oil or sesame oil is advocated followed by yoga or exercise to help with deep cleansing and regulating blood circulation.

Before heading for bath after exercise, Ayurveda suggests the act of Udvartana which means rubbing the body with dry powders such as chandan,amla, sariva etc. moha herbal soap, with goodness of neem and tulsi or moha scrub soap with walnut, almond and honey, helps in removing the dirt, sweat, absorption of oil and dissolution of excessive fats.

Udvartan/ ubatan benefits

It exfoliates the skin, improves skin tone and texture, softens the skin and keeps it healthy. After the ritual of Udvartana, with moha scrub soap comes bathing with water which is also known as Snana in Ayurveda.

The Ayurveda way of bathing has some amazing benefits like:

  • It improves appetite and speeds up metabolism
  • It increases life-span
  • It boosts energy levels
  • It helps to get rid of dirt, grime, sweat, body odor and itchiness
  • It helps to get rid of fatigue, drowsiness and excessive thirst
  • It strengthens immunity and maintain good health

Simple rules for bathing in Ayurveda.

  • Bathe with warm water neck down
  • Bathe with water at room temperature for cleansing the head and the eyes. Using Hot water for washing hair and eyes can damage hair and eyes
  • Wear fresh and cleaner clothes after bath.

When to avoid bathing according to Ayurveda?

  • In disorders of the eyes, mouth, ears,
  • In facial paralysis;
  • Fever,
  • Cold,
  • Loose motions and
  • Indigestion.
  • Immediately after meals and
  • At night.

The Ayurveda way of bathing has multiple health benefits. It is not just a means of external cleansing but it is also an important part of internal purification and personal hygiene. Using moha herbal shower gel is great personal hygiene product with essential oils like tea tree oil and neem.It helps keep the skin soft and glowing. Ayurveda advocates daily regime of bathing to  protect, heal and rejuvenate yourself .

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